
欢迎光临Mercedes-Benz Newmarket 。二十多年来,我们致力于服务Newmarket亚洲社区,为给客户带来更好的体验,提供优质的产品和服务,以满足客户的不同需求。公司坐落于230 Mulock Dr, Newmarket,秉承梅赛德斯-奔驰“心所向,驰以恒”理念,集新车销售和二手车置换、售后维修服务和原厂零配件供应为一体, 并有国,粤,英语销售维修服务人员为您竭诚服务。

Welcome to Mercedes Benz Newmarket, we have been serving the Asian community in Newmarket for over 20 years.
We are committed to providing our customers with a superior customer experience with quality products and services tailored to their specific needs.
We are located at 230 Mulock Dr. Newmarket and adhere to the Mercedes Benz commitment of “Desire for Modern Luxury”
integrating new and pre-owned car sales service and genuine parts.
We have our Brand Ambassador, Bill Zheng who speaks Mandarin, Cantonese, & English, and our Brand Ambassadors Raymond Chen & Ethan Li who speak Mandarin and English.
Contact us, our team is ready to service you.

Bill Zheng

Bill Zheng

Raymond Chen

Raymond Chen

Ethan Li

Ethan Li




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